Filter/Screen Assembly for Suction Sets

Filter/Screen Assembly for Suction Sets

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Part #: 0516697A

Typical, wearable part for any airless sprayer with a suction set. Acts as a primary filter to keep out any large debris that will cause immediate problems when spraying. It's a good idea to keep an extra one handy.

Compatibility Note:
Fits the 0516198 / 0516197 metal/flex Suction sets. These sets started appearing around 11/2007.

Not sure what version you have?
You can easily tell which version you have by the color of the plastic housing on the filter.

  • If your existing Metal/Flex Filter is Light Grey, like the one shown on the left, then your are on the right page to order the 0516697 filter.
  • If your existing Metal/Flex Filter is Black. like the one shown on the right, then you have a discontinued filter. You will need to purchase a new suction set here.

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