0270953 Diaphragm Kit, 1250
0270953 Diaphragm Kit, 1250
This kit includes:
- 1 Each) Item# 5
- 1 Each) Item# 6
- 1 Each) Item# 7
- 1 Each) Item# 8
- 1 Each) Item# 9
- And though not shown in parts image at top of page it also includes:
- 4 Each) Item# 2 (Locking Washer)
- 1 Each) Installation instructions
- 1 Each) Anti-Seize (to use on bolt item #1)
Item number 4 and 4ech of number 2, as shown below in general breakdown.

To tighten the pump block bolts (item #1 as shown above), use a 10 mill allen wrench, tightened to 52 foot pounds (624 inch-pounds), and work alternately on opposite screws. (this info and more is included on an instruction sheet that comes with the kit but we are pointing it out since those torque specs are very important for these pumps, if you do not own a torque wrench, we recommend you try Auto-Zone’s loan a tool program)